Saturday, August 31, 2019
Writing and Business Letter
Oakley Public School Content Area: English Language Arts unit Title: Types of Nonfiction: Essays, Articles, and Speeches Grade Level: Ninth Grade unit Summary: This unit will revisit the genre of nonfiction with an emphasis on the reading of essays, articles, and speeches. The unit will reinforce the premise that the concepts and evidence presented by writers of nonfiction are factual, even though the writer may include anecdotes that are fictional, ideas that are personal, or language that is poetic.As the students read the samples of nonfiction included in this unit, they will come more proficient In recognizing the techniques of narrative, reflective, and persuasive writing. Primary Interdisciplinary Connections: Social Studies Science Technology 21st Century Themes: Standard 9. 1 -21st Century Life & Career Skills: All students will demonstrate the creative, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills needed to function successfully as both global citizens and wo rkers in diverse ethnic and organizational cultures. A.Critical Thinking and Problem Solving The ability to recognize a problem and apply critical thinking and problem-solving kills to solve the problem Is a lifelong skill that develops over time. B. Creatively and Innovation Gathering and evaluating knowledge and information from a variety of sources, including global perspectives, fosters creativity and innovative thinking. D. Cross- Cultural understanding and Interpersonal Communication Effective communication skills convey intended meaning to others and assist in preventing misunderstandings.Unit Rationale: In order to become global thinkers with an astute awareness of the world around them, ninth grade students must be provided with the tools for reading nonfiction with comprehension and fluency. Teachers should still model active reading strategies In the high school classroom In order to assist the students In meaningful reading experiences and engage them In the reading proc ess. Making connections when reading and identifying with authors and their chosen subject matter will help and science.When reading nonfiction, students must learn to separate fact from opinion and recognize a writer's bias in order to make informed decisions about what they have read. By reading a variety of essays, article, and speeches, students should learn to identify a writer's voice and recognize that authors write with a particular audience and purpose in mind. In turn, the students will learn to develop their own unique voice as they write for a variety of audiences and purposes themselves.Learning Targets Standards : Reading for Informational Text (RI): Key Ideas and Details, Craft and Structure, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, and Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity. Writing (W): Text Types and Purposes, Production and Distribution of Writing, Research to Build and Present Knowledge, and Range of Writing Speaking & Listening (SSL): Comprehension and Collabo ration, and Presentation of Knowledge ND Ideas. Language (L): Conventions of Standard English and Vocabulary Acquisition and Use.ICP Number Cumulative Progress Indicator (ICP) Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. ERR Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. ERR Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them.ERR Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e. G. , how the language of a court opinion diffe rs from that of a newspaper). ERR Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose. ERR Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether he reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.ERR Analyze seminal U. S. Documents of historical and literary significance (e. G. , Washington's Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt Four Freedoms speech, Kings ââ¬Å"Letter from Birmingham Jailâ⬠), including how they address related themes and concepts. ROI By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 9-10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. WI valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. A.Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. B. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience's knowledge level and concerns. C. Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. E. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. WWW Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. A. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e. . , headings), graphics (e. G. Figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. B. Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic. C. Use appropriate and varied transitions to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts. D.Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic. E. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and inventions of the discipline in which they are writing. F. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e. G. , articulating implications or the significance of the topic). WWW Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.WWW Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. WWW Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.WWW Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Wool Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) ND shor ter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.SSL Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. B. Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making (e. G. Informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, and presentation of alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed. C. Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions. D. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or Justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning resented.SSL Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e. G. , visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. SSL Evaluate a speaker's point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence. SSL Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.SSL Make strategic use of digital media (e. G. , textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings , reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. SSL Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. (See grades 9-10 Language standards 1 and 3 on pages 54 for specific expectations. ) Al Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. A. Use parallel structure. . Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, repositioned, and absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing or presentations. LO Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. A. Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses. B. Use a colon to introduce a list or quotation. C.Spell correctly. Apply knowledge of language to understand how languag e functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more Lully when reading or listening. A. Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines in a style manual (e. G. , MEAL Handbook, Turban's Manual for Writers) Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. A. Interpret Figures of speech (e. G. , euphemism, oxymoron) in context and analyze their role in the text. . Analyze nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations. LO Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and rarer readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Unit Essential Questions How does understanding a text's structure help me better understand its meaning? How does fluency affect comprehension?What do readers do when they do not understand everything in a text? Why do readers need to pay attention to a writer's choice of words? How do readers construct meaning from text? How do good writers express themselves? How does process shape the writer's product? How do writers develop a well written product? How do rules of language affect communication? Why does a writer choose a particular form of writing? Unit Enduring Understandings Understanding of a text's features, structures, and characteristics facilitate the reader's ability to make meaning of the text.Fluent readers group words quickly to help them gain meaning from what they read. Good readers employ strategies to help them understand text. Strategic readers can develop, select, and apply Good readers compare, infer, synthesize, and make connections (text to text, text to world, text to self) to make text personally relevant and useful. Good writers develop and refine their ideas for thinking, learning, communicating, and aesthetic expression Good writers use a repertoire of strategies that enables them to vary form and style, in order to write for different purposes, audiences, and contexts.Rules, conventions of language, help readers understand what is being communicated. A writer selects a form based on audience and purpose. Unit Learning Targets The students will . Read developmentally appropriate materials such as essays, articles, and speeches Understand literary heritage/movements as part of global tradition Analyze how arks reflect historical/social events and conditions Evaluate appropriateness of diction and figurative language Distinguish essential/nonessential information Differentiate fact vs.. Pinion Read and follow technical and instructional manuals Critique public documents Use rubric to evaluate writing of self/others Reflect on writing; set goals for improvement Critique published works for authenticity and credibility Write compelling openings and strong conclus ions Use most effective writing format/strategy for purpose and audience Use variety of organizational strategiesDemonstrate effective delivery strategies Make impromptu revisions based on audience feedback Use rubric to improve presentations Demonstrate appropriate listener response Identify propaganda and argument Evidence of Learning Summation Assessment (One day) Types of Nonfiction: Essays Articles Speeches Business Letter Editorial Formative Assessments: ââ¬Å"Thinking About The Selectionâ⬠Questions Teacher Observation of Whole Group and Small Group Discussion Response to Graphic Organizers Equipment Needed: Overhead Projector Overhead Transparencies of Graphic Organizers Chalkboard Teacher Resources:Ninth Grade New Jersey Penguin Edition, Prentice Hall Literature, 2007 Supplemental Lesson Plans Lesson Timeshare Lesson 1: Introducing Essays, Articles, and Speeches Teacher will introduce the definitions of essays, articles, and speeches and emphasize that the writer cont ributes more than information to nonfiction, but also contributes style, tone, perspective, and purpose through the writing. Teacher will explain differences among narrative, descriptive, expository, persuasive, and reflective essays. Students will read an essay and identify the author's tone and purpose. One periodLesson 2: Main Idea and Supporting Details Teacher will introduce and model reading skill of finding main idea and supporting details in an essay. Students will read an essay and fill out an anticipation guide to perform a literary analysis of the author's style. Teacher will guide students in recognition of author's style as being formed through the diction, syntax, and tone of the writing. Two periods Lesson 3: Literary Analysis: the Expository Essay Teacher will guide students in recognizing an expository essay as a short piece of nonfiction that presents information, discusses ideas, or explains a process.Students should identify the writer's technique of providing su pport as either description, comparison and contrast, or cause and effect. Teacher will guide students in reading an expository essay and ask guided reading questions to assist students in identifying main idea and supporting details. Teacher will guide students through reading a technical document and applying skill of identifying main idea and details to reading informational materials. Students will fill in a graphic organizer to identify information learned through diagrams, headings, labels, and other visual features.Two class periods Lesson 5: Biographical Writing Teacher will introduce biographical writing as a form of nonfiction in which a writer tells the life story of another person using factual information and interpreting these pieces of information. Teacher will guide students through reading of an excerpt from ââ¬Å"A Lincoln Prefaceâ⬠by Carl Sandburg. Teacher will guide students in a discussion of what makes a great leader and students will analyze details fro m Lincoln life that fit the definition of a great leader.One class period Lesson 6: Writing a Business Letter Teacher will guide students in defining a business letter as a piece of resplendence that is written in the course of conducting business or professional matters. Teacher will emphasize qualities of a business letter including clarity, directness, courteousness, and format. Students will identify six parts of a business letter to include heading, inside address, greeting, body, closing, and signature. Students will read and analyze a sample business letter for these qualities.Lesson 7: Writing a Business Letter Students will brainstorm a list of purposes for writing a business letter and select an appropriate purpose for their own letter. Students will begin outlining contents of heir letter. Students will research address of company to which they will be writing and consider audience for their letter. Begin first draft of letter. Lesson 8: Writing a Business Letter Students will finish first draft of their business letter and exchange letter with a peer to proofread and edit.Peers will provide feedback on strengths and weaknesses of letter for revision purposes. Lesson 9: Writing a Business Letter Students will use feedback form to revise letter and write a final draft. Lesson 10: Persuasive Essay convince a reader to think or act in a particular way. Teacher will emphasize that the persuasive essay usually includes appeals to reason and/or appeals to emotion. Teacher will guide students through reading a persuasive essay and assist them in identifying the author's motive and line of reasoning.Lesson 1 1: Persuasive Essay Students will read a persuasive essay independently and analyze passages as appealing to reason or emotion by creating a graphic organizer. Students will compare findings in small group and then share thoughts as a whole class. Lesson 12: Persuasive Speech Teachers will guide students in identifying a persuasive speech as one that tr ies o convince listeners to think or act in a certain way. Teacher will assist students in recognizing rhetorical devices including parallelism, restatement, repetition, and analogy.Teachers will guide students through reading and listening to Martin Luther King, Jar. ââ¬Ës ââ¬Å"l Have a Dreamâ⬠speech. Lesson 13: Persuasive Speech Students will identify examples of restatement, repetition, parallelism, and analogy in Martin Luther King, Jar. ââ¬Ës ââ¬Å"l Have a Dreamâ⬠speech by filling out a graphic organizer. Lesson 14: Persuasive Speech Students will apply skills they have learned for listening to author's purpose and heterocyclic devices in persuasive speech to Franklin Delano Roosevelt ââ¬Å"First Inaugural Address. Lesson 1 5: Humorous Essay Teacher will guide students in recognizing a humorous essay as a form of nonfiction writing intended to make the reader laugh. Teacher will emphasize the humorous writer's use of hyperbole, understatement, and comic d iction as effective techniques. Teacher will guide students in reading of ââ¬Å"The Talkâ⬠by Gary Sotto. Lesson 16: Humorous Essay Students will apply skills they have learned for reading a humorous essay to organizer with samples of hyperbole, understatement, and comic diction found in say and share findings as a whole class.Lesson 17: Writing to Persuade: The Editorial Students will read sample editorials and recognize the format as one decisive and public way to take a stand on an issue. Students will brainstorm a list of issues that confront the school or community about which they may choose to write. Lesson 18: Planning an Editorial Students will plan an outline for their editorial to include a clear thesis statement, evidence that supports their argument and anticipates the reader's counterarguments, effective organization, and persuasive language. Students will egging first drafts of editorials.Lesson 19: Writing an Editorial Students will write first draft of editori al with focus on solid thesis statement and gathering evidence to support it, including information that contradicts or opposes position so they may acknowledge and overcome opposing viewpoints. Editorial should include both appeals to logic and emotion. Lesson 20: Editing and Proofreading Persuasive Writing Students will exchange rough drafts of editorials with peers and offer comments on strengths and weaknesses on feedback form. Meet with teacher in a writing conference to receive additional input on writing.Lesson 21: Publishing and Presenting Editorials Students will use feedback from peers and teacher to create final draft of editorials. Students will submit editorials to newspaper or post on a website. Teacher Notes: Lessons will be developed to address learning needs of students as reflected in NJ ASK scores. Teacher discretion should be used to provide appropriate differentiation of activities based on variety of learning styles and needs of individual students in the class room. Curriculum Development Resources: (Click the links below to access additional resources used to design this unit)
Friday, August 30, 2019
Reflective Report
The purpose of this report is to reflect upon an aspect of my development that I have encountered throughout my time as a student in Personal and Professional Development (PPD) class conducted by lecturer Mr. Jeremy Ivan Thambirajah. I am a student here for almost a semester, and over my time here I have gained a lot than expected. Going through the PPD programme has taught me so much. It taught me how to be me. I have learned here how to write and express myself, how to think for myself and how to find answers to the things that I do not know.Most importantly, I have learned how important self esteem is when conducting a presentation. I learnt that ethics, like how we dress when conducting a presentation is very important. The lecturer has made me aware of these formal systems of organization that enable people carry out tasks in the workplace. I even find the class exercises enabled me to be more disciplined, in others words, it has taught me to manage myself properly when it comes to completing coursework given by the lecturer. On top of that, it gave me a better team working skills, thus managing others well and overall was a good exercise in time management.I can be slightly about getting my own way. Although I value myself as a good listener, I could benefit from considering other peopleââ¬â¢s opinions more carefully. Through this I can conclude here that this programme has enlightened me on the need for self-development. Even though I prefer to avoid confrontation, especially with people I know well. However, this is something that I need to overcome in order to be a successful leader. This, I realised after going through the PPD programme. I also found myself to be more confident with the work that I was assigned by the lecturer.I have learnt to be patient and to communicate effectively. Writing had always been one of my strengths, but it was challenging to take that initial step past the high school, five-paragraph essay form that constricted my ide as for so long. Moving past this form, however, has greatly opened my mind. My thoughts are now able to be more complex because I have learned to adapt a logical argument in an organized way. I have reflected on this picture and concluded that I should not forget these experiences. I still wished we had been taught about more stuffs, like how to manage stress.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Read story and answer question Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Read story and answer question - Case Study Example She appears to be irritated by the way some ignorant people try to trace her roots, not to the country or culture, but to the person in the family who was originally fair complexioned. The stylistic devices used in the essay are irony and conflict to deepen the meaning. ââ¬Å"We mixed-raced people know what you really mean. You dont want to know where we were born or where we grew up. You dont want to know what kinds of regimes we lived under or what languages we speak. You want to know who in our family isnt white.â⬠What might have been an inquisitive personââ¬â¢s innocuous question aimed at knowing the person better is taken as an offense by the author. ââ¬Å"Yet because my skin isnt white, some people think its entirely acceptable to hound me about my so-called identity. People who dont know me, dont want to know me, who will never see me again. People who just need to know so that they know. And if youre one of these people, Ill tell you that Im from Vanya.â⬠This sentence clearly reflects the conflict in the mind of the author. The author should have the necessary confidence to brush these remarks casually and go on with life, rather than allow ing such remarks or incidents to hurt
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Education - Essay Example That racism has been a feature in the interpretations of specific events in the school experiences of some respondents necessitates a re-evaluation of the role played by schools in the underachievement of African-Caribbean pupils. Due to racism, black people, no matter how motivated, are often denied the opportunity of an adequate level of education. The underachievement of African-Caribbean children in the UK has been well documented over the years. African-Caribbean children, in particular boys, have been over represented in the figures for exclusions from school, poor examination results, emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD), and receiving statements of special educational need (Taylor, 41; Mirza, 269). The situation has changed little in recent years. In 1998/99, the overall permanent percentage exclusion rate from school in the UK was 0.17% while the exclusion rates for Black Caribbean, Black African and Black other pupils were 0.59%, 0.20% and 0.49% respectively. These proportions represent some improvement from 1995/96 when they were 0.92%, 0.35% and 0.53% respectively. Other minority groups have much lower rates: Indian, 0.04%; Pakistani, 0.01%; and Bangladeshi, 0.07% (Department for Education and Employment [DfEE] 2000a, 27). Socio-economic status is known to be one of the most powerful predictors of educational success. In inner-city areas characterised by poverty and high unemployment, where African-Caribbeans often live, children from lower income families face exceptional obstacles en route to success, irrespective of the values of their parents (Strand, 170). This research suggests that local communities can provide a ââ¬Ësense of belongingââ¬â¢ and opportunities to be successful which can demonstrate to young African-Caribbeans that it are possible for them to succeed. Despite the DfEE encouraging local education authorities
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Discussion 2 Week 1 Impact of Financial Concepts Assignment
Discussion 2 Week 1 Impact of Financial Concepts - Assignment Example This means you would be responsible for paying taxes on money that you may not have even received yet. On the flipside, expenses can be incurred before you actually pay them out ââ¬â meaning you can reduce your tax liability before paying out. This is at the core of finance. The time value of money tells you that $1 today is worth more than $1 tomorrow. The reason is because you can invest that $1 today and have it be worth more tomorrow. What does this mean for your business? You want to hold onto your money as long as possible and receive money as quickly as possible. You can do this by paying your bills right before they are due and finding ways to have your customers pay you as soon as possible. Keep in mind this ignores other psychological factors like your vendors being happy if you always pay them immediately (which could lead to more flexible payment terms or even discounts). The more risk you take, the more return you should expect. If given two options with the same return, you should always choose the option that has the least amount of risk. Likewise if given two options with the same level of risk, you should always choose the option that has the highest return. Opportunity cost is the cost associated with choosing one option and forgoing another. For example, a high school graduate has the option of going to college or working full time. If she chooses college, the cost of her decision isnt just the cost of tuition and books, but the money she is missing out on by not working fulltime for four years while she is in school. If she chooses to work full time, the opportunity cost is the amount of money she would have made (in excess of her regular pay) for having a college degree for the rest of her life. So lets say she can make $10/hr without a college degree, or $15/hr with a college degree. She needs to take into account the $5/hr she will lose out on for the rest of her life by not going to college now. There are also
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Way of Telling Lies and the Consequences Research Paper
The Way of Telling Lies and the Consequences - Research Paper Example This is a case comparable to that of sentencing a serial killer to death, so as to avoid their committing more killings or murders. From this example, the sentencing to death is equally causing death, but with the intent of putting an end to the deaths that the serial killer has caused, and those that they may continue to cause. Therefore, in avoiding the further deaths, a single death is justified, showing that in such a case, it is not wrongful to send such a person to death. This paper will discuss the causes and the reasons behind the lies made by different individuals, with the intent of showing that lies are a core part of the daily life of each individual, and a part that cannot be avoided ââ¬â literally speaking. This will help shed more light on the issues and the challenges or circumstances that force people into making lies, as opposed to following the rightful path of telling the truth. From an analysis of the lies made by individuals, it is clear that the factors and the issues ââ¬â often leading to the making of lies include solving sticky issues, avoiding trouble, protecting others from the truth that may hurt them and as an effort to make certain cases look better than they are. Other reasons for lying include lying so as to identify with certain groups, so as to act as examples for others, for example the case of a parent who tells children lies ââ¬â that they were brilliant in school, so that the children can work harder. From this discussion, the writer will clearly show that lying or cheating ââ¬â as wrongful as it may be ââ¬â is a principal part of everyday life, and a key into effective living (Bakan 124-127; Brown & Levinson 168-174). Literature Review According to the BBC ethics guide, a website feature, lying is most probably the most common wrongful acts that are committed by individuals on a daily basis. The account explains that some researchers are quoted, as saying that lying is a fully unavoidable part of human nature. According to the account, most people would consent that lying is wrong, except in the case where it is committed for a good reason. Also, among the people that hold that lying is wrong, there is the problem that they shut the possibility of saving a certain course or situation, which may have been saved by making one lie. According to Sisela Bok (78), lying is a type of deception, but not all models of deception can qualify to be referred as lies. The account goes further to account that a lie has three basic characteristics, these including that it is made to communicate some information, that the liar plans to mislead, and that the liar is convinced that the information they offer is not right or truthful. However, the author goes further to account that, opposite to the belief of many, a lie does not have to offer false information, or get presented in a malicious manner ââ¬â or with a wrongful intent. An example offered, is that of white lies, which are offered for good intentions. The definition of a lie, also includes, the case where an individual presents truthful information taking it to be a lie and in the cases of a known liar, who is not able to lie to others, because they know that they always tell lies. Therefore, from the diversity of the lies told, the source shows that lies form a core aspect of everyday
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Assignment 2 Time Constrained Test-x Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
2 Time Constrained Test-x - Assignment Example This should be geared towards addressing most of the challenges and needs that the society may be n need of. Therefore, through incorporating the triple bottom line theory, this paper will explore on how brands should create shared value (Junge 2011). Triple bottom line principles Social structure of the society One of the main characteristics of triple bottom line is the social structure that a brand is exposed too. For any social structure, the individuals expect that, a business that is being carried out should be beneficial to all the individuals involved and contributing to its success. This involves the laborers in the fields, the region and community in which a business is being conducted by a corporation. Therefore, for a good social structure, a corporate must consider the stakeholder and the labor interest to be interdependent (Cunningham&Cunningham 2004). Part of the social structure consideration is that a corporation should make profits that are based on the raw product and labor considerations. The raw material producer should not be given what they deserve. Some companies ensure that the raw material producer always has very little to benefit from. For example, the cement processing companies should consider the raw material value and give enough returns for the extraction of the raw material. The final product matters but if it was not for the raw material then, there would be no cement being produced. It is thus important that all the social aspects are put into consideration (Cunningham&Cunningham 2004). The labor department should also ensure that, there is no child labor in the company. The use of child labor is a form of exploitation and child abuse. More so, there should be fair wages given to the laborers of a company. The wages should match the type of work they do. Some companies undermine fair wages to their employees. This includes extra working hours under extremely tough conditions with very minimal wages provided to the employees. Some laborers even go the whole day without any allowance for food and water (Rauch 2012). It is thus vital that, considering the social structure, a company considers fair wages and also fair working hours. Providing facilities for health care of the community which is part of a business is vital and offering of education in relation to the products and their impacts is also important. For example, if the use of a certain brand of soap has side effects to the animals, then, there should be precautions on how to handle this type of soap and keep it away from pets kept at home. If all these practices are put into place, it is likely that a business will flourish with the customers and employees put into consideration hence, positive outcomes (Rauch 2012). Environmentally friendly Creation of value also entails considering practices that are sustainable in relation to the environment. The products that are produced by a company should ensure that there are minimal negative environment al impacts. Environmentally friendly and sustainable practices involve incorporating of minimal consumptions of energy resources. This should be carried out with the intention of conserving environmental resources. Better options of energy use like the use of renewable forms of energy should be encouraged (Ganesan 2012). Through this, a company involved in a business should be able to incorporate the reduction of waste
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Entrepreneurship Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Entrepreneurship - Research Paper Example Social entrepreneurs do not leave everything up to the government; rather they try themselves to handle the problems in the most efficient manner. Social entrepreneurs not only solve social problems but also navigate social barriers to the communities (Light 123). They offer a wide range of ideas to the people living in any particular society in order to manage their social problems. ââ¬Å"Social Entrepreneurs Identify and Solve Problems on a Large Scaleâ⬠(Coggins). Social entrepreneurs commit themselves to change the direction of the society and want to implement their vision practically for the betterment of the society. ââ¬Å"Social entrepreneurs seek to attain long-term social effectsâ⬠(Cuizon). Some of the core activities of a social entrepreneur include creating and sustaining social values, helping the individuals find solution to their problems, continuously pursuing learning and innovation, and taking bold steps to tackle major social issues even with limited r esources. Social entrepreneurs can be defined by two elements, which include strategic focus on social impact and an innovative approach towards the mission (Nicholls). Tackling with the issue of teenage pregnancies is a real example of social entrepreneurship. It is because teenage pregnancies is a critical social issue these days which needs to be handled by the people living in any particular society instead of relying on the government to take considerable steps. Teenage pregnancies bring a number of negative consequences for the whole society in the form of low interest in marriages, poor health of newborn children, and less educated mothers. The common elements of social entrepreneurship reflected in the example of teenage pregnancies include advancing the social mission to provide safe sex education to the children, applying innovative process towards the mission, and taking considerable measures for advancing the social
Friday, August 23, 2019
Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Comparison - Essay Example At the same time, the tables are turned, and he depends on his family and assistance and care from his sister while it used to be the other way round; hence, the family which was dependent on him has to start working again. The play Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner by Alan Sillitoe follows the life of a young boy who is caught robbing a bakery by the law enforcers, and this lands him a place at the prison school at Ruxton Towers. The living conditions at the Borstal are tough and Smith seeks solace in long-distance running to escape from these circumstances. He attracts the attention of the school authorities who promise early to release from the brutality of Borstal if he wins an important cross-country championship. Smith has all the reasons and the powers to win the competition, but on an interesting turn of events, he deliberately loses the race to the dismay of spectators and school authorities. The two stories seek to present the social problems faced by the society, whic h are social and emotional alienation, loneliness as demonstrated by the main characters. Both authors, Kafka and Sillitoe explore effective use of metaphor to address these issues and present them to the audience. While Kafka uses vermin, Sillitoe uses running. Both are demonstrated throughout the respective stories in examining major obstacles faced by the characters. Therefore, the metaphors are used to convey the actions of the characters, Samsa and Smith, and how they interact with them to achieve the purpose of the stories. Kafka is one of the greatest German writers, famous for writing technique that unites concrete and figurative language in order to demonstrate purpose and idea. As such, amazing use of metaphor in writing is one of the significant elements of his writing techniques. In the story Metamorphosis, he does not fail short of this technique, which he uses to convey the social problems in the society through the main character. Kafka uses metaphor to represent or r eveal the relationship between people or characters in the story, in which he uses vermin. The first metaphor in this story is metamorphosis itself whereby Samsa suddenly changes to a monstrous insect one morning. Samsa contributes a great deal to the enhancement of the metaphor of metamorphosis because, despite unusual transformation, he does not stop to question why and how it could be possible. Metamorphosis is a metaphor because it is unrealistic for human beings to transform into insects, but Samsa accepts this situation fairly, readily without questioning the reality or logic behind this matter. This direction taken by the main character is peculiar because normal human nature would seek inquiry to explain the transformation. This lack of query is unusual, and one could argue that the transformation occurred mentally and not physically. The transformation into a beetle represents the life in Samsaââ¬â¢s family, as well as a reflection of his own life. Samsa provides for his family the same way an insect would provide for the rest of the members; thus, the transformation represents his role in the family. He is so much concerned with work and provision for his family that he does not even have hobbies or real friends, let alone a good friendship with his own family. This behavior can be compared to that of an insect, and thus, Samsa successfully delivers the purpose of the story with the aid of the metaphor. Another metaphor in this story is communication in the Samsa family. Kafka uses metap
Nursing - Nursing Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nursing - Nursing Leadership - Essay Example Quality service is tantamount to efficiency and satisfaction of patients. Patients have to be satisfied not just on their healing progress but specifically on how they are handled on the process. Nurses are the ones exposed to them in most of the time especially on administering their needs. This specific situation is clearly requiring someone else who has enough understanding about leadership process and functions. This essay discusses nursing leadership in general. Leadership in service Service is a crucial part of the role nurses have on their patients. Medical practitioners or staffs are expected to provide quality service as possible in order to address the current needs of the patients. Nurses today are expected to be the frontline leaders in the medical care because they are the immediate helpers who can provide the needs of patients anytime. As long as patients are provided with the best medical care, nurses are expected to essentially provide what they are expected to showca se in their service. Nurses have to be imparted with the vision of standard quality service. This makes them create certain things on their part in order to achieve the vision. This specific task requires essentially the concept of leadership because of the idea of imparting the vision through the quality of service that is to be required. On the other hand, competition is everywhere and patients are sophisticated that they want the best out of what they pay. This can only be met by providing them the best service as possible. Nurses, doctors and other related health practitioners are exposed to providing the kind of service that patients expect. Thus, they have to be well trained in every aspect about how to provide not just better, but quality and satisfying service. This definitely encompasses quality work environment, implementation of new models of care, and health and wellbeing of nursing workforce (Wong et al., 2010). Leadership in research Nursing requires research because n urses need to be updated with information on how to address the current need of the society. As technology improves day by day, the health and medical industry is expected to provide the best service as possible. This specifically calls for each medical practitioner or staff to be highly informed with the latest innovation in technology. This primarily requires special attention. In fact, various researches are regarding productivity and efficiency of nurses with respect to the advancement of technology. Furthermore, nurses are expected to provide the best ideas as possible that could help improve the entire service. This has to be integrated with the latest innovation in technology plus the extra know-how. It requires both skills and knowledge in order to achieve the best possible result. On the other hand, nurses nowadays are required to adapt evidence-based practice information as definitely essential component of nursing leadership (Staffileno & Carlson, 2010). In other words, n urses have to be the leading practitioners in discovering new ideas and other related information in line with providing the best quality and standard health care. This definitely calls them to be the leading practitioners in discovering what is essentially good for their patients and for the quality care in the health
Thursday, August 22, 2019
My Dream House Essay Example for Free
My Dream House Essay Good afternoon everyone. Does anybody have their own dream house? Well, I have. Nowadays, most people have their own houses. The house I want to be my won would make me feel comfortable with a big hall, my own bedroom and a front garden that is full of flowers. My dream houseââ¬â¢s interior design will be carefully planned. I would like to have a spacious hall since it is the first place visitors will see as they come in through the front door. There would be unique art designed posters on the wall. On the left hand side of the hall there would be a glass cupboard with my collection of diamonds in it and on the right hand side of the hall there would be my photos during my childhood. At the end of the hall, there would be a staircase leading upstairs. One the next floor, there would be my own bedroom. My bedroom would reflect my inner world and privacy so it would be painted light purple. My view is that light purple is the colour that represents my feelings of harmony and peace. I can say that the interior design of my house is like my spiritual world so Iââ¬â¢d decorate it in such a way that all the rooms will be painted in different colours would symbolize my true feelings. Light pink would make me feel happy and light blue would make me remember happy memories. An air-conditioned television room would be next to my bedroom. In the television room, there would be a big and soft sofa so that I can watch television comfortably after my activities. The outer design of my dream house should be attractive. I desire to have a magnificent front garden outside my house. The front garden should be full of flowers and fruit trees. I would plant orchids and roses. When I am in a bad mood or when I am angry of something, my anger will be lessen after looking at those beautiful flowers and smelling their fragrance. Place that we spend our life is very significant because our moods are affected by the design and the location. If we live in a place filled with noise and air pollution, our feelings would become negative. Staying in my dream house would make me live with peace of mind. Thank you.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Internet A Blessing Or Curse Media Essay
Internet A Blessing Or Curse Media Essay The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the standard internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide .It is network of networks that is consist of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope (from Wikipedia).Internet is such networking which connects the people of different area and give them chance to know about the culture of each other and share their ideas. It is one of the great inventions of science, which has removed about all complexities of life and had made the life much easier. Nowadays internet is vastly used some of the facts say that about 48% population of Asia use internet. In some countries like USA, UK, Japan about 4 out of 5 person use internet. Internet has vast use in our daily lives, it is source of information where you can find the information about any topic. There are billions websites which contain different information about different things. Many search engines such as,, are some popular the sources of information. All scientists, engineers, doctors, teachers and many other can easily do their research on internet and can find everything with in no time. Internet is the sea of information, where everything is avaible and you can avail it if you want. Internet is the source of communication which connects you with the people who are sitting in the other corner of the world. It connects you very fast and the important is that it is free of cost. You can make video calls via Skype which is totally free of cost. There are about 31 million people who use Skype for communication. There are also so many services on internet for communication such as Chatting rooms, E-mails, Facebook, and so many others. According to a survey made in 2011 about 750 million people use Facebook , which is a fast growing source of communication. Through Facebook people know about the culture of each other and many people get chance to speak and share their ideas the people of other countries which without internet is impossible. You can visit the whole world just sitting in your room. There are so many Facebook accounts which are just to promote the religious teachings, culture and tradition and so many other. We share so many important things on Facebook. The E-mail is the cheapest and easiest way through which you drop your message to your friend, relative or someone whom you want to send with in no time even if he/she is offline. In addition internet is nice source of entertainment where we find so many interesting things like videos, games, movies, music and news .According to website comScore about 217 million people play online games. You can find the music you want to listen totally free and can download it instead of going Bazar to purchase the particular album and sometimes it become difficult to find that album on shop so your time is wasted but now you can find same thing on internet free which save your money as well as your time. There are so many other interesting things on internet, we sometimes make new friends on internet, when we get bored we just go online chat with them and have fun. The business has the important role in the development of countries and to improve the business the internet is very much helpful. Business man consider internet as blessing for them. It has made business easier for everyone to carry out, with very small investment they can have much profit, now the businessman can advertise their particular business easily without wasting money. There are about 12 million business websites. Now it has become possible that you can do shopping sitting at your home, there are so many online stores and shops where you just put the order and you get your thing at your home. By online shopping your precious time (for which one great scholar had said that time is like ice if you would not use it at time it will melt away and will be of no use) is saved and your money for going out ,having taxy will also be saved . There are many people who are earning just sitting at home by doing online jobs. Currently about () people are doing online jobs to fulfill the needs of life and for them internet is nothing less than blessing. Most of the organizations, institutions, and departments advertise their vacant seats for job on internet and someone who is looking for job can easily find it. So it has also an admirable role in employment of the countries. A healthy man has a healthy mind, and to be healthy the sports has great role. So now internet is not only helping in business, communication, information but it also helps in the sports as well. There are about 2 million websites on internet , Many people are advertising about games on internet, inviting people to join them in games competition to make fun. So many games competition are held on national and international level and their registration is done on internet which is the cheapest and easiest way for people to( achieve ). Many games videos are uploaded on internet you can find any match of cricket, football, basketball and volleyball played even in past. You can find many sports tricks on internet and now it has become possible that there are sports tutors available on internet who can teach you exercise even in home through internet that is why mostly the people who are interested in sports claim that its blessing for them. Professor Hector Alwarez-Trujillo writes in his essay (Benefits and Challenges for online learner) technology has become the key to a new world of education. He further writes that online learning has become the most popular source of learning. A great scholar MitchellKaporà say getting information off internet is like taking a drink from fire hydrant. It has become now easier for education seeker to gain education on any time they want, there is no restriction of timings. There is no need to purchase the expansive books to study but now you can find all good stuff of your course on internet. Online learning has brought new possibilities in education to all potential students: if you cant go to school, we shall send the school to you(Dwyer, and Doerr,1995). The internet has tremendous effect on the education, it has made possible for everyone to get good education, some people who cant get admission in good universities or colleges they can get same good education on internet as some universities have online courses. There are so many universities which upload the lecture on their particular website and it becomes easier for students to avail the lecture and understand it. Namal College is also one of the such universities so it has become easier for student even if the college is closed they can find their educational stuff and assignment on internet. There are many good tutorials on internet which are very much helpful to the students . There is not only the written stuff avaible but there are also video lectures avaible as well. So many scholars and educationist believe that internet is blessing .But it also has some drawbacks as well. There is also some information on internet which misleads the person. Some people upload the information on internet which is not valid and many students get astray. As there are many religious websites on which the wrong information is uploaded which further lead to the misunderstanding and religious wars. Some anti-relig ions are making websites about religion and upload the wrong information on website and which further lead to the wars. So in that sense it seems curse. Furthermore internet it has many disadvantages beside it advantages .A very annoying disadvantages is the pornography which has spoiled the youth of nation. There are about 60 million people among them are children, men and women are the victim of these things which is a sinful act and is considered as bad religiously as well as physically. Some people get addicted to pornography and just waste their lives. Mostly the youth of nation is spoiled through this internet, due to that the youngster are losing their interest in their studies they just waste the time on watching such guilty videos on internet and ruin their lives. The J K Rowling say The internet has been a boon and curse for teenagers .With the passage of time many students are getting away from their families , they do not give time to their families spend their precious time on the internet just watching videos, movies, playing online games and chatting with friends. As a scholar Philip Zimbardo say What troubles me is in ternet and electronic technology revolution. Shyness is fueled in part by so many people spending huge amounts of time alone, isolated on e-mail, in chat rooms, which reduces their face to face contact with other people Many children are becoming the victim of loneliness. So mostly parents say that internet is the cure which has spoiled their children. This may be the reason the as the time is passing by people lives the short lives and are mostly in physically fit. It has been revealed that in the century of internet mostly children are spoiled in early age and the reason for is only and only internet. As internet is source of communication as we mentioned before at the same time it also create some misconception as well. The well-known example is Facebook which is used by very much people. It waste your life and when you get addicted to it, you cant do anything important than Facebook .So news has said the Facebook is such website which has created so much misconception, due to it many life partner are separated due to just misconception by Facebook. There are many hackers on internet who steal your personal information and sometime it also lead to war when people of one country hack the secretive sites of other country and steal their secrets. It also has some disadvantages in business as well. So internet has advantages as well as disadvantages and some people consider it as blessing and some consider it the curse. A great scholar said that every silver cloud has dark linings and everything which has positive effect it do have some negative effects as well. Use of internet is just like gun, the gun is blessing if you just use it to defend yourselves but it is no more less than curse if you use it to kill the innocent people. However Internet can be blessing for us if we use it positively, all now depands on us either we are going to make it blessing or curse. Mostly people think that it do have some draw backs but its advantages overcome all the demarits of internet. It has very important role in almost all aspects of life, we can say that it has become part of our lives, world without internet will be totally different without it there will not be fast source of communication. Internet can become completely blessing if the government takes some effective steps, such as government should set an active department which should see over the activities happening on internet and should set some rule s and regulations and if someone is having the wrong use he should be stopped and a written warning notice should be given to him. The department should set rules like it should the ban the porn videos and it should all the websites which are spoiling the youth or society. By doing that no one will be able to put wrong commits about any religion and the religious war will be over and many problems will be solved, so internet will be the blessing and internet is really blessing. The End.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Possibilities Of Current Global Issues My Impact Tourism Tourism Essay
Possibilities Of Current Global Issues My Impact Tourism Tourism Essay Political issues, tourism have dominated the economies of many Caribbean islands today causing local island governments to feel charged with promoting and further developing their islands tourism industry and infrastructure. Tourism is a cluster of human activities associated with the desire and ability of people to travel outside their environment. Such travel places demands upon political institutions in a given policy for regulation of both inbound and outbound tourism and for adjustments in various aspects of the society. Political issues affect the sustainability of tourism in many ways, some of the ways are the foreign exchange also call the international relations policy this is how much the host country will interact with other country to bring in money to the country, which benefit the country, but for this to happen policies must be put in place by the government to help protect a countrys national interests, national security, ideological goals, and economic prosperity, so this impacts the sustainability of the Caribbean by allowing money come into the country to help build tourism economically. Another is the political issues on the environment, this is objects surrounding the environment, government have to put in place laws to restrict infrastructure from being built in prestige and fragile places that could destroy the area which are voluntary to the country. With government policies like this it impacts the country positively not only for tourist but also for residents. Natural and man-made disasters are bound to happen in the Caribbean, the islands are located along the path of hurricanes, which irremissibly come to us every year. This is something that the islands have lived with since time immemorial, that is to say, the aspects related to regional beauty are linked to the phenomena that affect us every year but as nature lives in harmony with itself, it has the ability to recover from the effects of hurricanes, regenerating plants and redirecting the course of rivers that overflow their banks; in addition to bringing moisture to dry land. We humans have occupied the natural environment but have not learnt to co-exist with our habitat. Our societies have not been able to formulate mechanisms to prevent natural events from producing the social disasters that we usually have every year in one or several of our countries. In other words, hurricanes are natural, but disasters are man-made, since the responsibility for the damages brought about by hur ricanes is eminently social; it is therefore up to us humans to seek harmony with nature so that its phenomena would not have the negative effects that we regrettably suffer from time to time. Since we can influence neither the occurrence nor the trajectory of hurricanes, we must be prepared, so as to avoid or at least reduce such negative effects. In that respect, there have been great advancements in scientific knowledge pertaining to such phenomena, such as their origin, speed, wave height, wind force, temperature, that is to say, everything we need in order to know the exact time of arrival and departure, which puts us in a position to anticipate how we will be affected, taking into consideration the environmental conditions of the islands. Some of the man-made disasters are like pollution , whether to the air land or sea, from either the cruise ships or from hotels , these have a negative impact on the Caribbean because if the island become deteriorated then no tourist will wan t to visit the island since there is nothing there to attract them and if the island is doomed for a hurricane or Natural disaster constantly there only going to be little or no tourist that visits the country because they want to protect themself and also enjoy the tourism product of the country. Technology issues in the Caribbean region will need to adopt strategies and the actions to put it in the forefront of technological change. It is in the marketing and distribution areas that the use of technology is most critical. Natural advantages (sun, sand and sea) are no longer sufficient to give the Caribbean the competitive edge in global markets. New technologies are driving the new tourism from the supply side. New technologies are making it possible to supply individual tailor-made holidays that are cost-competitive with mass standardized and rigidly packaged options. Technology is driving the new tourism. It is creating the basis for flexibility and individuality of the travel experience without necessarily increasing costs. Economic issues amongst tourism sector offers a number of opportunities for linkages, which have not been fully exploited. From organic food production and cut flowers, to health services, high fashion for the tropics and environmental services, the potentials are enormous. These potentials must be analysed on a sector by sector basis using new strategies of development based on the principles of product focus and production flexibility. There is need to create more linkages between tourism and other sectors of the economy, particularly services of developing the axial potential of the tourism sector: using the presence of a tourism sector to develop other exports, e.g. sports, ecotourism, high fashion, environment services, health tourism. Three key issues of economic impact have also been identified: the high leakage of the tourism sector and the low levels of linkages developed between tourism and the other sectors of the economy; the need for more research and analysis; and the n eed to develop strategies and actions to maximize the Economic impacts of tourism. The Human resource issue is one of the key strategic issues facing the Caribbean tourism sector which is to ensure that the continued competitiveness of the sector in global markets. A number of factors will reinforce the competitiveness of the Caribbean tourism sector. One is the Human resource development; the key to quality is the human resources that deliver quality services. The development of the human resource base on the Caribbean tourism sector is a key priority. There is an urgent need to invest in the training and development of human resources that would manage the tourism industry in an efficient, profitable and sustainable manner and also provide quality services to an increasingly demanding international clientele. It is in the critically important field of human resource development that the accommodation sector faces its toughest challenge. In the increasingly competitive world of international tourism, the days of enthusiastic amateurs are over. Technical efficiency and professional service are the distinguishing marks of success. Tourists are becoming increasingly sceptical in their choice of tourism destination. A major factor that has been gaining importance in their selection set is the environmental quality of their preferred destination. Tourism planners need to recognize that the sustainability of their destination and its various offerings necessitates the consideration of environmental protection and conservation-related issues. This essay undertakes the study to explore the link between implementing better human resource, upgrading technologies, maximizing economic, political and Natural and manmade disasters to gain more tourism knowledge on how to help sustain pristine and unique areas that attracts tourist to the Caribbean.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Comparing Wealth, Power, and Virtue in Measure for Measure and Mrs. Warrens Profession :: comparison compare contrast essays
Wealth, Power, and Virtue in Measure for Measure and Mrs. Warrenââ¬â¢s Profession à à As seen in the dramas Measure for Measure and Mrs. Warrenââ¬â¢s Profession, the Elizabethan and Victorian periods have different views of wealth, power and virtue. To compare these views, one should start by defining the different views of virtue. The people of the Elizabethan times see virtue in obtaining a balance of their three souls and as promoting order within their society and city. Also in this period of time, wealth and power were rarely gained, but when they were, it was due to virtue. Conversely, in Mrs. Warrenââ¬â¢s Profession, virtue is interpreted as a person trying to change how the poor were treated by the industrialists; and this could only be done when a person already had wealth or power. à à à à à à à à à à à à In Measure for Measure, Isabella starts off seeming to be a very virtuous person: she is entering a very strict nunnery and living a purely rational and sinless life. As the play goes on she chooses to keep her virtue by not sleeping with Angelo. However, we start to see her virtue come into question when she coldly and with no compassion tells her brother Claudio to "Die Quickly!" (III, i, 135) This shows that she is not using her emotional soul. But, at the end of the play, Isabella shows that she has the ability to utilize her emotional soul when she forgives Angelo; at the same time proving she has a balanced soul. From this action, the Duke realizes that Isabella is truly virtuous and then, because of this, asks her to marry him (V, i, 530). We can clearly see that Isabella is rewarded for her virtuous actions at the conclusion of Measure to Measure.à This positive conclusion demonstrates the Elizabethan society's tendency to prize virtue as achieved through a balanced soul. à à à à à à à à à à à à Isabella is not only seen to be virtuous because of her balanced soul, she would have also been seen as virtuous because her actions to preserve order in Vienna.à At the beginning of Measure for Measure, the Duke goes into
Sunday, August 18, 2019
My Life is a Cluttered Drawer :: essays research papers
My life is a cluttered drawer if you looked inside you would see a variety of pictures. Pictures of places far and near. Pictures of friends, family and loved ones. In the back of the drawer tools for the tinkering that everything seems to need at one time or another. Different types of music would be scattered throughout the drawer on tapes and CDââ¬â¢s for the good times and the bad. à à à à à Often I sit in my room and look back at all the pictures of the interesting places I have been, the unusual sights I have seen and the people I meet doing it all. A picture I often look at is a picture of Time Square New York. This particular picture I took myself. I look at this for motivation, motivation that one day I will be in the city of opportunity. The picture I keep right beside my new York picture is an army photo. A photo of one of my buddies out in the field gun by his side. This picture gives me a completely different feeling. A feeling of appreciation for the solders that are fighting for our country at this point in time. Every parent or friend with a picture like mine Iââ¬â¢m sure, knows the feeling of wondering will they be sent, or asks the question will they come back. à à à à à As the drawer slides more than half way open now the stacks of CDââ¬â¢s and tapes begin to come into view. The tapes mostly of childhood music that got lost or out grown. The lessons or sharing, and good attitude all waiting to be passed down to a cousin or niece in dire need. The CDââ¬â¢s in the drawer I am sure have been pulled out, and again returned depending on the mood, or the company. As for the artists of these CDââ¬â¢s, mostly String Cheese, a semi blue grass band with a song for every mood. à à à à à At the far back of my cluttered drawer there are several tools. The tools you would find in my drawer are common tools. The tools needed just for the basic workshop. Both kinds of screw drivers, Phillips head and a flat head. A hammer, and last but not least needle nose pliers. With this set of tools I feel I can fix, or ââ¬Å"rigâ⬠almost anything I own to a certain extent. This set of tool would also cure the boredom of everyday life. Scratch up some nails and grab my trusty hammer with a cuple of planks of
An Investigation to Show How Water Temperature and Alcohol Concentratio
An Investigation to Show How Water Temperature and Alcohol Concentration Affect Membrane Permeability Aim The aim of the experiment is to show the cellââ¬â¢s membrane permeability is affected by being placed into different temperatures of water. Also the effect of placing beetroot in to different concentrations of alcohol. Beetroot cells contain a red sap, which leaks out of the cells if their membranes are damaged or altered. Cell membranes are made up of a bilayer of phospholipids, which also contains proteins. Which either float around or are fixed. Some are found in the inner or outer layer and some span the whole membrane Carbohydrate chains attach themselves to the external membrane forming glycoproteins and glycolipids. It also contains cholesterol. We will be able to tell how damaged they are because we will see a deeper coloured red in the water from where more of the red sap has leaked out of the cells. Method A fresh cylinder of beetroot was taken and using a scalpel any skin was removed. Care should be taken when a scalpel is used to cut objects into small pieces. It was then cut into 40 discs using the scalpel. Next the discs were placed in a boiling tube and rinsed repeatedly in till the water ran clear. Then two sets of five boiling tubes were set up into racks. Then using a measuring cylinder measured 10cmà ³ of tap water was placed in five of the boiling tubes of the set that would be testing the effect of different temperatures. These were then left in the different water baths to adjust to the temperature. The other five had 10cmà ³ different concentrations of alcohol ranging from 25%-100%. There was also one with 10cmà ³ of water. Next four discs of the beetroot were placed into each boil... down to 24%. I think this an anomalous result as after researching this 100% alcohol is used to preserve food so the light transmission percentage should of gone up but this needed to be repeated. I think the main source of error in these two experiments that could have lessened the accuracy was that there was some variation in the thickness of some of the beetroot discs. I think this is hard to improve as this is generally down to human error of not being able to cut beetroot exactly into 1-2mm discs. The experiment needed to be repeated to see more clearly if there were any anomalous results. Works Cited: Advanced Sciences Biology 1, Mary Jones, Richard Fosbery and Dennis Taylor AS guru Biology, John Graham and Anthony Lewis Biology Principles and Processes, Michael Roberts, Michael Reiss and Grace Monger
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Fast Food in Malaysia Essay
Restaurants have been around in some form for most of human civilization. But they usually catered to travelers. As far back as ancient Greece and Rome, inns and taverns generally served food to people who had a reason to be away from home. This trend continued until relatively recently. Although taverns and coffee houses were popular places to gather and share beverages in the 17th century, the idea of eating out for fun didnââ¬â¢t take off in Western society until the late 18th century. Although McDonaldââ¬â¢s was the first restaurant to use the assembly-line system, some people think of White Castle as the first fast-food chain. White Castle was founded in 1921 in Wichita, Kansas. At the time, most people considered the burgers sold at fairs, circuses, lunch counters and carts to be low-quality. Many people thought hamburger came from slaughterhouse scraps and spoiled meat. White Castleââ¬â¢s founders decided to change the publicââ¬â¢s perception of hamburgers. They built their restaurants so that customers could see the food being prepared. They painted the buildings white and even chose a name that suggested cleanliness. White Castle was most popular in the American East and Midwest, but its success helped give hamburger meat a better reputation nationwide. So, like cars, White Castle played an important part in the development of fast food. Image courtesy Brands of the World The McDonald brothers opened their redesigned restaurant in 1948, and several fast-food chains that exist today opened soon after. Burger King and Taco Bell got their start in the 1950s, and Wendyââ¬â¢s opened in 1969. Some chains, like Carlââ¬â¢s Jr. , KFC and Jack in the Box, existed before the Speedee Service System, but modified their cooking techniques after its debut. McDonaldââ¬â¢s, which started it all, is now the worldââ¬â¢s largest fast-food chain. According to the National Restaurant Association, American sales of fast food totaled $163. 5 billion in 2005 [ref]. The industry is growing globally as well. Total sales for McDonaldââ¬â¢s grew 5. percent in 2005, and the company now has 30,000 franchised stores in more than 120 countries [ref and ref]. However, McDonaldââ¬â¢s ââ¬â and fast food in general ââ¬â does not always get a welcoming reception around the world. McDonaldââ¬â¢s restaurants have been attacked in several countries, including the United States, China, Belgium, Holland, India, Russia, Sweden and the U. K. Protestors have accused McDonaldââ¬â¢s and other chains of selling unhealthy food, marketing aggressively to children and undermining local values and culture.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Night By Elie Weisel
To suffer, as defined in the dictionary, means to undergo or feel pain or great distress. Another way to say it is to sustain injury, disadvantage, or loss. And yet another way to definesuffering is to say to endure or be afflicted with something temporary or chronically. If they wereto ask Elie Wiesel what his definition of suffering was, he would have a lot to say and what hetold them would be more horrible than their wildest dreams. It is hard to relate to something ofthe magnitude of Elieââ¬â¢s suffering, without actually being there, but after reading his book I have awhole new understanding and sympathy for the Holocaust victims. Elieââ¬â¢s story took place while he was a very young boy, approximately 14. His friend(town beggar) Moshe, had been somewhat helping with his studies until all the foreigners wereforced to leave the town. Sneaking back in several weeks later Moshe told of the stories that hehad witnessed. They were gruesome accounts of what the Naziââ¬â¢s were doing to innocentchildren. His stories were payed little attention, but soon the townspeople were being forced toleave and migrate towards ghettos. From there it was just waiting till they were moved by train tothe concentration camps. Once off the train, Elie and his father were separated from Elieââ¬â¢smother and sister, little did he know that he would never see them again. Through bribery andfriendships along the way he managed to stay close to his aging father. Little respect and evenless food was given to the captives while they performed labor intensive tasks in the quarries. During the day work was performed and if anyone was caught doing anything illegal the weremurdered in front of anybody to set an example of what would happen if an escape was tried. Throughout Elieââ¬â¢s horrific ordeal, he would always comment on the night. This wasfitting being the name of the book, but also because that is the time most of us do our reflection. It is time spent alone and it giving a chance to sort out your thoughts and be one with yourself. Nighttime was probably when reality set in. Elie would often compare himself and the othervictims to the trials that Job went through. If you remember, the book of Job did not explain the mystery of suffering but explored the idea of faith in the midst of suffering. It started out as adiscussion between Satan and God on the loyalty of his servants. Satan proposed that if he wereto take away all of Jobââ¬â¢s values in life that he would indeed curse the name of God. God agreedto let Job be tested but his live could not be taken from him. So, Satan did take away every thingincluding his family, his house, and all of his livestock. Then to top it he afflicted Job with boilsand sores all over his body. Job had no idea all of this was being done to him but his friendsseemed to think that it was because he had done something wrong and God was punishing him forit. Elie felt the same way but at the end of Jobââ¬â¢s story God tries to rectify Jobââ¬â¢s life to the statefrom which it came. Elie was not as lucky. Elieââ¬â¢s health was deteriorating but his old father felt it worse. They were bothmalnourished but at Elieââ¬â¢s young age he could hold out a little longer. On January 29 were Elieawoke his father was gone. His father lack of health and old age was his downfall. The death ofhis father made Elie and stronger person with only his own well-being on his mind. He no longerhad to worry if his father was keeping up with the work or that he had enough food. He wasliving for himself. This new focused energy is what kept Elie from dying himself. Not too longafter his fatherââ¬â¢s death the Allies moved in and Elie and the few remaining prisoners wereliberated. This was a time of joy for some but also a time of sadness in remembrance of all whohad gone before them. Before reading this book I had a somewhat skeptic view of what exactly had taken placeduring the war. While reading this book I believed this manââ¬â¢s testimony 100%. It was beyond mycomprehension how something like this could have and did take place. The only thought that Ihad at the completion of this book was, what about the other victims (non-jews). I guess becausethis was only one manââ¬â¢s story and Jews were the only people he saw so that is what he wroteabout. This book really makes you think about all the freedoms that I (WE) take for grantedeveryday. I have learned to view the Holocaust in an all new perspective.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
1984 – Technology in Todays Soceity
Not many people are fans of being excessively supervised and observed. From an 11 year old boy being observed in the park by his grandparents, to a student sitting in class being observed by the teacher during examination. Knowing that you are constantly under surveillance can be very intimidating. Right through history, the intensity of government regulations have altered from low down to sky-scraping. The novel 1984, written by George Orwell consistent of a very dictatorial government. In this fictional commentary novel, George Orwell predicts the future where technology and the power given to the government will reduce privacy in everyoneââ¬â¢s day to day life. Todayââ¬â¢s society is majorly impacted by the rapid development of technology; in the novel George Orwell had used technology as an example of lack of privacy. To begin with, our advanced technology has reached such an extent that it is very straightforward for the government to figure out everything about us from our past including, our previous vacation, were we live, where we attended school or even last time we made a purchase through our debit or credit. To gain access into a personââ¬â¢s life the government has issued every citizen a social insurance number, this card contains a personââ¬â¢s entire record of everything that they have done in the country. This is related to what George Orwell had expressed in his novel, the government in the novel is being referred to the big brother. In the novel the big brother kept watch over every step that was done by the humans, there was even a sign which said ââ¬Å"big brother is watching you,â⬠this is the same as our government now since most things we do are being watched or even listened to. Another example of this would be the use of telescreens in the novel. The telescreens previewed everybodyââ¬â¢s room in the building; therefore if any movement or discussion going on will not be private, ââ¬Å"Any sound Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by itâ⬠. This is now similar to todayââ¬â¢s surveillance cameras; although this novel was written in 1948 the first surveillance camera had been invented in 1965. Since then the world had become more advanced than ever before. Cameras are now put up almost everywhere in; business offices, convenience store, apartment buildings, intersections, even all age schools. In the novel the author essentially points out that the future will hold no privacy and telescreens. phone calls, emails, texting are examples of telescreens since they can be accessed by the government authorities anytime. In conclusion, the novel 1984, is a fiction although what George Orwell tried illustrating was us humans are going head over heel with technology which is giving the government power. Some events that occurred in his novel have actually accrued and while he was writing this novel it was all a prediction for the future because some things he mentioned did not exist in that time period.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Risky Business: Consent, Safety, and Firefighter Culture
A childââ¬â¢s world is full of violence. It appears in video games, films, and TV programs and many parents in the hope of removing their children from some of this violence are encouraging and sometimes pushing their children into participating in sports. Some parents are losing sight of why these children are playing- and that to the children is what they are doing: ââ¬Å"playing. â⬠Many parents come to their childââ¬â¢s practice or game with their own agenda of win, win, win at all costs.These unreasonable expectations of winning, not messing up, being the star player, and making mom and dad proud are everything. â⬠These parents expect perfection from their children. â⬠(Sachs, 2000, p. 62) The major problem seems to be that these parents are not considering what the children want. According to a ââ¬Å"Kid thinkâ⬠survey conducted by Jerry Kirshenbaum for sports, the kids want things like ââ¬Ëunlimited free throws until they miss in basketball, every one having a turn to play, less violence in hockey, using their hands in soccer, and to have funâ⬠(p. 2). Perhaps the parents should listen to the children on this issue. Originally, the purpose of organized sports for young children was to teach them the basics of the game and skills needed to play, to practice good sportsmanship, and to have fun. If we look back to the beginnings of organized sports over 100 years ago, the purpose then was to get the growing numbers of rowdy children off the streets and to teach them values.Childrenââ¬â¢s sports are supposed to teach them skills and values-such as fair play, working with others and dealing well with adversity-which kids can draw upon throughout their lives. What has gone wrong with that purpose? Where has this sense of sportsmanship, learning, and fun gone? The incidence of violent behavior among sports parents is increasing throughout the United States and Canada and it needs to be stop. The age range of the children obse rving these incident is 6 to 12 years old, and some as young as 4 and 5 ee these outbursts. Athletic associations and organizers of youth sports are attempting to educate parents on the needs of young athletes, but this effort needs to be expanded to all organized youth sports. (Nack & Muson, 2000; Gardner, 1999) Many organized athletic associations are now requiring parents to attend sportsmanship classes, adhere to parental conduct handbooks, sign codes of conduct, and observe silent Saturdays.Many groups are working to return youth sports to a time of teaching fundamental skills, developing fitness and promoting the development of positive attitudes, values, and self-esteem. Parents across the United States and into Canada need to let go of their own agendas, and athletic associations need to enforce parental codes of conduct through classes and training. As a result, the world of youth sports can be returned to the children where they can all learn to enjoy a sport, learn the sk ills of sport, play, and most of all have fun.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Accounting Information and Decision Making Assignment - 1
Accounting Information and Decision Making - Assignment Example If I were an investor, I would turn to an income statement first when looking to invest in accompany. This is because this statement will show me the operations undertaken within a certain period of time and the income and expenses. This shows whether the entity is doing well and expanding or whether it is performing poorly and may not do well in the coming months or years. I have ever reviewed the financial statements for a company I have worked for. My classmate is correct on the ââ¬Å"dual effectâ⬠statement. This is because for every transaction, one account will increase while another decreases. This is due to the double entry effect in accounting whereby an amount is removed from one account and put into another. This leaves one account with less and the other with an increased amount. An example is in the case of purchasing goods. When purchasing goods with cash, the cash account will be less the amount used for the purchases while the purchases account will increase with the monetary value of the goods purchased (Collier,
Monday, August 12, 2019
GROWTH STRATEGIES DECISION MAKING PROCESS IN LARGE HOTEL CHAINS - Dissertation Example 21 Role of the Researcher 22 Data Analysis Technique 22 Reliability and Validity 23 Ethical Considerations 23 Findings and Analysis 25 Findings from the Interview 26 Discussion 34 Conclusion and Recommendations 37 Key Findings of the Study 37 Revisiting Aims and Objectives 38 Recommendations for Action 38 Recommendations for Further Study 40 References 41 Appendix- I 46 Abstract Hotel industry is one of the largest industries in the world that has progressed rapidly. Globalization has fueled this growth process as large hotel chains seek new venues to extend their business. Expanding overseas is not easy and a number of factors such as the entry mode, situation of the market, position of the market and economic and political situation of the host country have to be considered. The expansion involves a series of decisions; after the decisions have been taken, a strategy to implement them is then chalked out. Eastern European countries particularly Ukraine has caught the attention of m any multinational organizations and chains of hotels. The promising potential of the area has brought two major chains of hotels the Intercontinental and Fairmont to the capital city of Kiev. Both hotels have adopted different growth strategies although they target the same clients. The decision making processes in both hotels are different as well as in one hotel the General Manager is at a liberty to take most decisions while in the other decision making is done by the owners. This study by interviewing general managers at both hotels identified differences and similarities in decision making process at both hotels and make recommendations accordingly. Introduction Globalization has brought about significant changes in the world of business and has opened new avenues for investments; however one should understand importance of a well-planned project. In order to ensure projectââ¬â¢s survivability, the whole process of decision-making must be supervised and overseen (Armesh, n.d .). It is crucially important that proper actions should be taken at the right stages of decision-making process and proper teams should be assigned to carry out the decisions (Armesh, n.d.) Only when the decisions are made after adequate research, the plans could be successful as highlighted by Walter (2010, p. 4) ââ¬Å"the more information the ââ¬Å"decision makersâ⬠have, the better will be the decisionâ⬠. Walter (2010) explained that decision making requires balancing multiple objectives and there is an element of uncertainty in decisions where only the clarity of goals can tell the decision maker the best alternative therefore it is always good to have information because only then decision makers will be able to make informed decisions. Importance of making good decisions increases even further when the decision involves selection and implementation of growth strategies because then the stakes and risks are also high (Armesh, n.d.). Growth requires heavy investment and if things go wrong the business has to face heavy losses. Today, big hotel chains confront greater needs to invest more and more resources in decision-making process. In globalized and yet distinguished markets, large hotels must take all factors into account and consider the best growth decision; thus, ensuring success of the projects and return on their investment. This research study focuses on identifying and understanding elements involved in decision-makin
Social Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social Entrepreneurship - Essay Example This paper outlines that social entrepreneurs are becoming more and more vocal in these organizations, and are used to strategize ways in which an organization may make a significant social impact in the market. Social entrepreneurship is involved in business strategies and management; it is aimed at making an impact in the society, as the organization strategizes in the market. In such cases, innovation is important in coming up with social related strategies, enabling an organization to have a positive social impact other than taking away from the community in which they operate through exploitation of resources. From this paper it is clear that innovation brings about better products to the market to benefit a society. Social entrepreneurs have to pinpoint problems in the society and come up with measures to solve such problems for the betterment of the society. For example, some pharmaceutical companies such as GlaxoSmithKline Company carry out massive studies in many societies, related to testing and innovating appropriate drugs. A social entrepreneur in such a company may come up with other projects such as provision of basic amenities to communities, examples being water, healthcare facilities or other facilities to benefit the entire society. Therefore, instead of the company being biased and benefiting from the society, such innovators are supposed to come up with ingenious projects to enhance a ââ¬Ëpaybackââ¬â¢ culture to the same society; such actions have been used to strengthen the bond between the company and the society in which such a company operates.Many textile companie s are responsible for using toxic chemicals in cotton farming, and supplying the same to cotton farmers.Ã
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Factors That Have Shaped Bahamian Culture Essay
Factors That Have Shaped Bahamian Culture - Essay Example The essay "Factors That Have Shaped Bahamian Culture" discusses a number of factors that have shaped the Bahamian culture and identity since a large number of Haitian migration to the Bahamas at the end of the 18th century have been instrumental in constant tension between the Bahamians and Haitians. However, the Haitian retention of African based beliefs and customs, its music, folklore, and gambling habits, has had some effect on the Bahamas. Since 1967, there have been developments in music, dance, festivals, literature, painting crafts, and architectural preservation, which have helped define a Bahamian identity. The Department of Archives plays a dominant role in preserving the rich island architectural heritage and takes care of the antiquities, monuments, and museums. However, the lack of recognition by other Caribbean countries has been a great stumbling block for the nation to establish its own identity and many outsiders viewed the Bahamas as an offshoot of the United State s and a tourist Mecca with sun, sand, sea, and sex, and a society devoid of serious writers. Analysing the Bahamian culture one can understand that it is the Bahamian African culture that has shaped the Bahamian identity and that factors such as the tourism industry, the changed political scenario, and the oral tradition and newspapers have been instrumental in developing the Bahamian culture and identity. Yinna points out three elements that contributed to the formation of a ââ¬Ëcollective self-imageââ¬â¢ among the Bahamians after 1973.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Islam - Essay Example Thus, although there is no sign at all that Mohammed and his followers were blood descendants of Abraham, Islam is clearly associated with the biblical times, characters and traditions; even if the Bible has not had that profound effect on Islam as upon Christianity (Peters, 2004). Having developed from events that took place some 1400 years ago in the Arabian Peninsula, Islam is currently a world faith with over one billion followers worldwide (Gordon, 2003). On the other hand, although the Islamic religious doctrine, practices, and institutions have been the subject of numerous, if not countless, writings and discussions (Gordon, 2003), Islam remains the most misinterpreted, hence misunderstood religion, especially in the light of recent events such as the 9/11 attacks and the consequent ââ¬Ëwar on terrorââ¬â¢. Therefore, this paper attempts to get an insight into the Islamic religion, highlighting some of the most contentious points of the doctrine. Historical Background In order to understand the essence of Islam as fully as possible, one would need to take into consideration first and foremost its historical context in which this religious cult has originated and matured; by the way, this is equally valid as far as any other religious tradition is concerned. Mohammed was born in Mecca about 570 AD, in the Hashim clan of the Quraish tribe which possessed a distinguished status in the town (Schimmel, 1992, p. 11). By that time, the wealth and ancient glory of the Arabian Peninsula, most notably the powerful trading kingdom of Saba (ââ¬Å"The Kingdoms of Ancient South Arabia,â⬠n.d.), was already too far gone (Schimmel, 1992). The religious life of the Arab tribes, particularly in Central Arabia, was still dominated by a rather primitive religion, whose rituals were performed in numerous tribal sanctuaries, including the shrine in Kaaba which appeared the center of the pagan cult; additionally, there were certain Jewish and Christian influences (S chimmel, 1992, p. 7). Arabia was situated in the sphere of influence of its trade partners by then ââ¬â Persia and Constantinople (Schimmel, 1992). There were also a number of Jewish settlements not far from Medina, and even ââ¬â according to some authors ââ¬â the kings of Saba had reportedly converted to Judaism; the latter inter alia indicates a quest of a higher faith (Schimmel, 1992). Somewhere in his forties, Mohammed was overcome by visions and voices, realizing that he was entrusted with a divine mandate ââ¬â to proclaim, like some Hebrew prophets of earlier times, most notably Amos, the forthcoming Day of Judgment when the human beings will face the one omnipotent God, their Lord, to answer for their actions (Schimmel, 1992, p. 12). The obvious parallel between Mohammed ââ¬â the last prophet ââ¬â and the first Hebrew prophet of judgment, Amos, is not only in theological terms, but also in terms of historical necessity. Thus, having seen the decline in Arabiaââ¬â¢s power and wealth, likely brought about by the Arab tribesââ¬â¢ disunity and internal feuds, Mohammed found the ultimate means of unification ââ¬â the belief in one omnipotent God ââ¬â and saw himself at first as a Godââ¬â¢s messenger to the Arabs, a prophet being sent to warn them (Schimmel, 1992, p. 15); later on, however, he put his visions into practice, embarking on a decisive move towards uniting the
Friday, August 9, 2019
Torts 10 ind wrk 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Torts 10 ind wrk 1 - Essay Example But changes are made in some state laws to recognize the special bond between the animal and its owner (Randolph, n.d). Normally, the owner of the pet will try to reach a compromise with the vet. In other cases, the owner of the pet stores a complaint with the authorization of the state that issues licenses and supervises veterinarians. The Board takes the necessary measures as revealed through their review and investigation of the case (Randolph, n.d). The owner of the animal may even file a complaint against the veterinarian or veterinary hospital - even though the case may cost expensive and time consuming. These controls on veterinary practices will also help curb the malpractice veterinary possible (Randolph, n.d). The claim of the owner of the animal that has suffered damage and / or injury caused must prove that it occurred during the performance veterinary. Therefore, the jurisprudence of the Courts, in veterinary liability requires that the claimant prove the following requirements: The existence of a causal link between the damage and / or injury suffered and the negligence of the veterinarian (for example, the dog had not died, if the vet would not put a doubled amount of anesthesia necessary). Wet in result of claims can raised the argument that the teeth cleaning procedure was correct but due to negligence of the owner the dog died. The owner did not bring back the dog to me when its condition
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